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One of the most significant aspects of human appearance and social communication is an outstanding, appealing grin. Veneers have grown in popularity as one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures.


Teeth can develop deep holes, fractures, and color issues. To reestablish their aesthetic look and strength, teeth that have lost their integrity may need to be capped with hard materials.


What is Veneer?

Veneering is the procedure of applying tooth-colored materials to the front surface or all surfaces of a tooth to improve its health and appearance. Veneers are used to repair a variety of aesthetic issues, including damaged and missing teeth, tooth deformities, gaps between teeth, and discoloration.

The ultimate benefit of veneers is that they can improve the look of teeth and provide "long-lasting" results that meet cosmetic standards. It's also conceivable that long-term issues like tooth fractures and big fillings will vanish.

Veneer Types

  • Zirconium veneer

  • Full ceramic empress veneer

  • Composite laminate veneers


Zirconium veneers are a type of veneer that is favored safely because it is visually pleasing and robust enough to be utilized on front and cheek teeth. This veneer not only blends in with the gingiva but also reflects light like a genuine tooth. As a result, it gives teeth a more natural appearance.​​


Single tooth veneers, in particular, should be made with full ceramic empress dental veneers. This is a tooth-by-tooth application. The teeth that will be veneered are scaled down uniformly. The prepared tooth is then given a veneer.

Full ceramic veneers have lately become increasingly popular since they give an appealing look in terms of light transmittance and physical construction. Dental veneers, which are thin porcelain sheets glued to the tooth surface, are over finely manufactured in the desired color and shape. All patients with discoloration, fractures, or abnormalities in their teeth should choose laminate veneers as a conservative option.


Composite laminate veneers are a type of beam filling treatment that is put directly to the tooth. It is used to enhance the condition of sparse tooth gaps and make them seem more attractive by removing discoloration on the tooth surface. Teeth with congenital defects are rectified, and the teeth are given a more attractive look. Abrasions near the bottom of the mouth are treated to prevent tooth decay.

Veneer Procedure

The appropriate medical analysis is conducted initially during the veneer procedure. The most appropriate approach for the patient is then determined. At Arcelia, dependable dental veneer treatments are provided by our specialized physicians, who will select the most appropriate veneer and apply it using the most appropriate procedure.


Dental cavities, outdated restorative materials, and fillings are cleansed after the relevant examinations are completed. After that, the dentist determines the size of the entire tooth or the necessary portion of the tooth. Veneer materials are made in accordance with the procedures followed. The teeth to be treated are scaled down to suit the dental cover during this procedure. The quantity of scaling required varies depending on the type of veneer to be used and the desired aesthetic result. Veneers can be put without the need to scale the teeth in some cases. Following that, dental rehearsals are conducted and cosmetic evaluations of the created veneer are made. The shaped veneers are then placed to the tooth using a specific adhesive in the final stage.


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DiÅŸ Kaplamalar

How Long is the Permanence of the Veneers?

The longevity of veneers varies depending on the kind of veneer, the patient's dental hygiene, and his/her eating habits. Through proper and enough dental care, it may be used for an average of 7 to 15 years.

How Long Does the Veneer Procedure Take?

The time it takes to apply veneers varies depending on the patient's tooth structure and the veneer technique used. While a single dental veneer can be put in a single appointment, if many dental veneers are needed, this time frame may be prolonged.

Affordable Veneers at Arcelia Turkey

Turkey, which has had significant success in the field of aesthetics because to its respected and competent plastic surgeons and JCI recognized facilities with cutting-edge equipment, now offers high-quality dental veneer treatments as well. Cosmetic dental veneer treatments using high-quality materials and cutting-edge procedures are cheaper in Turkey. As a result, Turkey has become one of the most popular destinations for veneer treatments that are both economical and dependable.


Arcelia offers comprehensive treatments from experienced and competent surgeons, with service quality that meets worldwide standards. Our clinic, which was built and renovated with a patient-centered service in mind, provides services to its patients such as airport transportation, accommodation, and a patient assistant who will accompany them in their native language. Arcelia, which offers free consultations and accessible services, is still there for its patients with its post-treatment services. Using our dependable veneer treatments, which we do with high-quality materials and professional dentists, you're in good hands You may reach out to us for more information and advice on our veneer and other cosmetic dental procedures.

SSS DiÅŸ Kaplama

Frequently Asked Questions

Is veneer a painful process?

The process is done under local anesthetic during the veneer treatment. The procedure is painless in this sense. Depending on the kind of veneer and the procedure used, an anesthetic may or may not be necessary.


Can veneer be applied to patients with gum disease?

After the gum disease is treated, the veneer can be applied.


Will removing zirconium veneers damage my tooth when it is requested to be replaced?

The veneers are removed by cutting the cover, and you will not feel any discomfort. In addition, this process does not harm the teeth.


Will the color of the veneers fade in the future?

Due to their surface qualities, veneers are unaffected by colorants like tea and coffee and do not induce plaque buildup. As a result, it continues to maintain its color with proper maintenance.


Can veneers be used to fix crooked teeth?

Orthodontic therapy is the most common way of straightening misaligned teeth. Zirconium veners, on the other hand, can be employed in very slightly slanted crooked teeth.


Procedure: Dental Veneers

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Procedure Overview:

​Special compounds are used to restore the tooth surface or the complete tooth.


Surgery Duration:

1 to 3 hours for all sessions

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Types of Anesthesia Used:

Local anesthesia

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Number of Sessions Required:

​ ​2-3 sessions are required depending on the type of veneer


Possible Risks of the Surgery:

Minimal tooth sensitivity, breakage, cracking or staining of teeth, wear on teeth

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Back to Work:

Same day as treatment

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Net Results :

7 – 15 years thanks to the type of coating, proper restoration and good oral hygiene habits

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